It's Friday night, and I feel like I'm re-emerging. From what? From a life-changer of a weekend, from an exhausting week, from blog coma. I don't know how long I will stay emerged, but it's time to take my blog back.
Obviously, dedicating my only blog post every week to the market report isn't working. When I can't even post my own report, how can I expect anyone else to join in? And it's kind of ruining my enjoyment of the market--I feel more like a journalist than alive.
So this week, I'm writing about this week. And I have to give a nod to a new blog I found today that inspired me to get back to more reflective writing--how could I resist checking out something titled Chicken Blog? Oh yeah! There aren't a whole lotta chickens, but there are gorgeous photos and really talented writing.
As for my own week, the reason I was off the grid last weekend was a sad one. Our extended family lost a dear member last Wednesday, and there was no question but that I had to be there for the funeral. In processing my loss, I expected some kind of eulogy to come pouring out into this space, but in the end I decided not to write about it. No lengthy discourse on the dynamic, independent, willful woman who both attracted and ruffled people. Who was both elegant and earthy, demanding and open. A lovely, difficult creature whom, I realize now, I always admired. She lived life on her terms, and a good life she created for herself.
Nope, not gonna write about her.
Instead, I choose to dwell on the wonderful opportunity I had to reconnect with family members. An uncle I haven't seen in over 20 years, and his son, now two years out of college, who was two years old last time I saw him. Of course, he now towers over me. Nice guy, though, really nice guy. Plus other cousins, aunts and uncles, cousins-once-removed, heck, even my parents. :)
I stayed with my brother's family, and we truly enjoyed each others' company. I babysat Saturday night, and got kudos from a nephew as a great babysitter. Probably because I let them watch tv and play Nintendo, and eat as little as they wanted for dinner.
Yes, London.
*sigh* My reaction, when I heard the news, was one of losss and disappointment. Miss Chef's was more like "Cool! Now we have an excuse to go to London!" I do love having Miss Chef around for perspective.
Ooooo, my little Cuddles. He's already practicing his new accent: "Mummy, could you buy me some trousers?"
Miss Chef has been particularly attentive this week. She missed me enormously while I was gone. Thursday night I came home from another evening of overtime, to a house that smelled indescribably delicious. Our oversupply of eggs and other produce had stirred Miss Chef's imagination in the direction of quiches.
I was particularly delighted, because that very afternoon, I'd been sitting at my desk, thinking "We should use those eggs up and make quiche." But Miss Chef usually goes beyond my expectations. As you can see, she made four of them.
As best as I can recall, here are the various flavor combinations (What? You didn't expect her to make them all the same, did you??):
spinach and feta (both local, feta from her own hands)ham and cheddar
bacon, potato and leek (local leek, not sure about the bacon)
broccoli, asparagus and fontina (broccoli from our garden, asparagus from the market)
So, with the power of eggs, cream and camouflaged vegetables, I have made it through the week. Sort of. Tomorrow morning, up we get, to volunteer at the market again. Yes, I'll be going to the market, but don't expect a report. Because immediately afterwards, I'll be heading back into the office for the rest of the day. And there's always next week's lessons to plan.
But...Monday's a holiday. For both my jobs. Which means a full two days off. I already have some plans, most of which involve weeds. Some of which, however, involve sleeping, reading and possibly staring into space. And, if the weather cooperates, flying the flag. I'm in a mood to remember.