Friday, June 18, 2010

Time Management: A Picture Essay

Finally, I have arrived at the lighted end of the tunnel.  For at least three weeks, I'll be working only one job, leaving at least some of my weeknights free.  Which is a good thing, because I'll be better able to enjoy my chock-full weekends! 

Still...there should be more time to stop and smell the flowers.

balloon flowers (which don't have a smell, but are still worth stopping to see)

This weekend, we're having a dear friend from "down Mobile way" stop in for an overnight visit.  She's recently retired, and spending most of her summers driving around the country to visit her children and grandchildren.  I told her she's having the retirement I dream of!  This week she's driving up to the northeast to meet two teen granddaughters and fly them off to London.

Isn't she a cool Grandma??

volunteer yarrow and black-eyed susans decorating our patio: side benefits to no-chemical lawn "care?"

Next weekend, Miss Chef is hosting a birthday party for me!  I honestly didn't really want a big party, but when you turn 40, people want to make a big deal out of it.  Maybe I can serve enough sangria to convince them I'm only 35??

Is my youth withering like the pea vines?  Hark, there is new growth in there...where did those beans come from??

Oh, I see.

And the weekend after that, my parents will arrive for a visit.  They were part of the impetus behind the party, but had a once-in-a-decade family reunion up north to attend.  So they'll stop by here on their way back.  It will probably work out better that way; it seems every time they come we have some big event underway.  This time we might just hang out and can tomatoes!

sungold cherries

This was all sounding a bit stressful to me, with everything else we had going on: overtime, volunteering at the farmers' market, keeping up with the garden...

from left to right: bean "teepee," 3 kinds of peppers, boxwood basil, 3 kinds of tomatoes..and a healthy sprinkling of weeds!  Notice Miss Chef already found time to yank out the broccoli plants?

But we have finally taken a step to make our lives easier.  Well, Miss Chef has.  She got a recommendation, made the call, and signed us up with a housecleaning service!  I had resisted the idea for a long while, partly because of the cost (we're already paying one neighbor to feed & walk Rosie one day a week, and another neighbor to mow the lawn), but mostly out of guilt.  I mean, c'mon, can't we manage to at least keep our own house clean?

But  Not with two jobs each.  Even with one full-time job, I've come to the conclusion that the whole stay-at-home-wife ideal of a sparkling-clean house is unhealthily unrealistic.  How much does it really matter if there's dust on the bookshelves?  I'd rather spend my free time bonding with my wife and dog, and growing and cooking healthier food.

a miniature forest of feathery carrot fronds--now if only the roots would DO something!

And...maybe hanging out with my blog friends a little.

Is there time for walkies in there??

I hope you have enjoyed this close-up look at our little corner of paradise.  Please don't leave without enjoying dessert!

blackberries coming ripe, a handful at a time...nom, nom, nom!

Happy weekend, y'all!


  1. Hey! You don't even have to give me sangria (though I'll merrily oblige) for me to agree to 35 and not a day over- if you agree to me and 38!!

  2. I'm jealous. Tomatoes actually ripening. Here the plants are rotting and covered in mildew. Not much hope for tomatoes this season. And the berries are just beginning to grow, let alone flower. Nice to see some parts of the country are warm. We sure aren't.

  3. You can be whatever age you want!!! And yayyy for the service - when I worked ONE job I dreamed of having someone else clean.

    I was OK looking at your garden and flowers until the last photo - now I'm drooling over those perfectly formed blackberries!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  4. Heck, I don't work any jobs (retired) and I wish I could have someone to clean my house.

    Hi, I'm new to your blog, found you through "from sophie's view." I will be back, because it will be interesting to see how someone who can actually grow vegetables does it. I can't figure out why flowers grow fine for me, but vegetables wither on the vine.

  5. just fell across your blog and absolutely love the photographs and content!
    john (wales)

  6. AnonymousJune 22, 2010

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy and don't feel guilty. I'd do it if we could afford it. You earned the money. Spend it however you want. It's better than drugs right?

  7. Tell Rosie...she is more than welcome to come to my Day Care anytime you are in this area of Eastern Canada...I know I's a long way but you can dream....Do have a great weekend y'all!

  8. AnonymousJune 26, 2010

    Love your blog! Hope you have a happy 40th. I was totally freaked out when I turned 40. But, you know, it was OK in the long run. It is not so bad to leave the insecurity of youth behind. You guys are AWESOME! Lots of love from your favorite goat lady.


Thanks for dropping by--please share your thoughts!

"Every time we get comment mail, Rosie wags her tail!" (Seriously, you should see that puffy thing go.)