Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friday Fragments*

When life's hectic, every day seems full of fragments!  Why not celebrate it?  As I've been known  to say during ongoing crises, "Well, at least it's not boring."  (*Mrs. 4444's post isn't up at "press time," but go here to see what Friday Fragments is all about.)

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Morning: a Winter Harvest

I believe I planted this box with a mesclun mix in October.  I got one really good harvest in December, and then it sat there (under cover) sort of in suspended animation through the coldest part of winter.  As the evening draws later and the nights linger above freezing, I've been able to uncover our lettuce and it's starting to grow again.

Actually, the arugula's growing like crazy.  The other ones are just...stretching, checking things out.  Still, it's green.  I reseeded a couple of weeks ago, but nothing's come up yet.  That's ok, I've got more seed, and more time.

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I believe I've discovered a new tongue twister.  Say this five times fast: "An '04 Ford F-150."

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I thought I'd share with you a game I've developed to make the rush-hour commute a little more enjoyable for myself.  I call it the Red Light Game.  You have to have another driver to play it with, and it has to be a particular kind...the kind who tailgates you in stop-and-go streetlight traffic, as if you could control the unending line of cars and red lights ahead of you.

Once you have this kind of driver positioned behind you on the road, approach the next stoplight slowly.  Stop at least one car length back from the car in front of you.  The anxious driver behind you will most likely park so close to your back bumper that you won't be able to see his headlights (or hers).  Then you'll know you've got a live one!

Take your foot off the break and roll forward two or three feet, then stop again.  The car behind you should roll up to nearly kiss your bumper again.  Continue, using the remaining space judiciously enough to last through the stoplight.  See how many times you can make the other driver move!

I've never yet had a driver realize I was playing with them, and I find it delicious that I'm usually laughing aloud while they're probably gripping their steering wheel with white knuckles, as their blood pressure rises and their car jerks repeatedly to a stop.  If they manage to go around me once traffic starts to move, I like to smile and wave, as a way to thank them for playing.

It's lovely to start the day with a laugh, don't you think?

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I'm still going ga-ga over our upcoming trip to Europe this summer.  We still have four months to go, but as a friend pointed out, the anticipation lasts much longer than the trip, so I'm enjoying it to the hilt!  I realized the other day that I'm pretty familiar with Paris, having lived there for a year, but I know next to nothing about London.  So I'm filling my not-really-spare time at work with web searches like "St Paul's Cathedral" and "Portobello Market."  Fun!

I've also realized that I'm going to have to invest in some shoes.  Some seriously good walking shoes.  Preferably ones that don't scream "SNEAKER!"  I'm not sure of the best place to find them, but I'm willing to sink a fair amount of overtime earnings into a good pair.  Any suggestions for sources or brands?

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Thanks for reading and commenting.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. Sounds like you have two green thumbs. May I borrow one?

    Shoes: I spent a stoopid amount on a pair of Mephisto sandals for my trip to Germany last summer. Best decision I ever made! They look like nicer Birkenstocks and were amazingly comfortable. I wore them everywhere, including two full days of marching around Berlin. Nary a blister in sight!

  2. Your tender little greens look delicious!
    I'm looking forward to your trip too, and enjoying the planning stage.

  3. Red light game = hilarious. I can picture it.

  4. Flart, I have 2 pair of these, and swear by 'em.
    ASICS Gel-Trail Sensor® 4

  5. I am planning my second garden this spring. Of course I will go bigger and better. I like the look here!
    I am a bit concerned about your morning game only because my brother was killed for stopping the legal 4 seconds at a stop sign. Sorry I know that sucks to ruin your morning fun but I honestly get scared. Don't stop playing just be aware and never ever stick around for a confrontation :)

  6. Love the inspiring greens! I just found my first bulbs boldly poking up! Have been reading The Four Seasons Garden and am so pumped to do even better this year. again. Sounds like you've had bunches of fun lately. Yay!

  7. I'm now craving a good salad!

  8. Oh, I can't wait to play your red light game - what fun!

    I bought a pair of Clarks Waves for my trip to Europe. I usually have to wear orthotics. But, the shape of the wave shoe helped me distribute the weight when I walk just like the orthotic does, and I was pain free without them. Also, they gave me a 30 day money-back guarantee. So, I figured, if they didn't work, even after I wore them for a week or so, I could take them back. They are still in my closet and I wear them frequently.

  9. Ahh, "Portobello"-- It's my happiest place on earth :-) Soooo much fun.

    And, I officially have salad greens envy. Nothing tastes better then just picked greens. Yum.

    Have a great week. jj

  10. What gorgeous little greens those are! And I love arugula - try it on an arugula-pear-prosciutto pizza. I am feeling soooooo impatient, waiting for warmer weather.

    Thanks a whole bunch for the pasta recipe - you are so kind, and I'm guessing it's a gluten-free recipe. But I can't find it anywhere! Would you mind trying again?

  11. My Patient Petunia--I just discovered yesterday that you were not on my reader in the "regulars" column. (Make of that label what you will.) Therefore I had not been visiting as often as I should. OH! This situation shall be rectified. I am now going to stalk you. Would that be a problem?


Thanks for dropping by--please share your thoughts!

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