Wednesday, July 4, 2012

(Sorta) Wordless Wednesday: Making Ravioli

Not really much to do with the US’s Independence Day, unless you call it celebrating the crazy mix of cultures that makes us what we are.  This was brought about by leftover smoked chicken and the arrival of Miss Chef’s new toy: a ravioli form.

Let the pasta-ing begin.


pasta 07 (1)


pasta 07 (0)


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Make sure it fits!

pasta 07 (5)



pasta 07 (6)



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Fill. (chicken, ricotta, eggs, herbs, salt & pepper)

pasta 07 (11)


Egg wash (acts as glue).

pasta 07 (13)


Cover with another sheet, roll to seal and cut (sort of).

pasta 07 (14)



pasta 07 (17)



pasta 07 (18)



pasta 07 (19)

By the way, I’ve just fallen in love with pasta dough.  It is way easier to handle than pie or biscuit dough.  No worries about over-handling, keeping it cold or adding too much flour.  I highly recommend it if you want to play in the kitchen.  We just got the recipe off the bag of pasta flour (found in your local grocery store).  Miss Chef felt it was too wet, so here’s another one from this month’s Saveur:

1 cup regular flour, 1/2 cup semolina flour, 2 eggs (lightly beaten before adding)

That’s it!  Mix, knead 10 minutes, cover with plastic wrap and rest 30 minutes.  Then roll it out and go.  Buon appetito!


  1. I have also fallen in love with making pasta and ravioli with all kinds of fillings. My problem was rolling the pasta dough out so it was thin enough. However did you manage?!

    1. Um, I dunno...I just kept rolling it! I guess that's what I mean about this dough being so forgiving.

  2. Love the pan with the edge! I've used a wheel to cut them out. Your method looks much better.

    1. It wouldn't have happened if Miss Chef's new toy hadn't arrived when it did. That pan is just a standard sheet tray--the sides look much bigger in the picture than they really are.

  3. Yum...we can be there in 3 minutes! ;)

    1. Sure...we'd be happy to lend you the ravioli form! :D

  4. That thing is so cool! I have my grandpa's old pasta maker along with a ravioli rolling pin-- I haven't tried the rolling pin, I've tried the pasta maker, and now I'm inspired to test out the ravioli roller!

    1. Ah, the limitless possibilities of ravioli...hope it works like a dream.

  5. That looks like a lot of work. I'm sure the supermarket sells those things.

  6. Back in my teenage days when my metabolism was high and I wasn't so concerned about nutrition I used to eat ravioli by the canned Chef Boyardee potful. Now my gluten-intolerant self can only sigh sadly and look for something else to eat. Your beautiful bowlful was torture! Yes, I know gluten-free ravioli exists but these things are sooooo expensive, and my attempts to make gluten-free pasta at home have been horrible failures. Horrible. So I will summon my better self and wish you happy ravioli eating! (sigh...)

    1. Oh, I really am sorry to torture you! I can totally understand; I would be devastated if I couldn't eat pasta anymore. So I forgive you in advance if you have to mutter insults here.

  7. I would like to offer my services as a taste tester, if only I could figure out some way to reach into the computer and come out with the goodies you've taken pictures of. Honestly, after 30+ years of being the chief cook and bottlewasher in this house, I've lost my drive to cook. Your meals look amazing!

    1. And, by the way, that was a superb how-to. A picture is worth paragraphs of description, to me anyhow.

    2. Thank you for your kind words. My meals look amazing because you're only seeing the occasional, especially inspired ones. Constantly coming up with new and exciting dishes is an even bigger challenge, so my hat's off to you!

  8. do I get an invitation to lunch, LOL?


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