Thursday, May 22, 2014

I’m a Professional!

Sometimes life writes its own perfect plotlines.  Yesterday was my last official day of employment with The Bank, and I met up last night with two other (former) colleagues to celebrate with drinks.  We shared our ongoing experiences with the job search, and I told them I was hoping to get an article posted this week on the website of a local independent paper.

This morning I woke up to find that today, my first day of unemployment, I am officially a professional writer!



Click the image to read the article.


  1. Yay! Perfect timing!

    1. Yes, it to keep the momentum.

  2. COOL! Congratulations!

    Interesting article. I think I would like ramps. I'm a big onion-type-veg fan.

  3. Hey! This is fantastic! Congratulations, Big Shot!

  4. OK, I just connected "Eat My Charlotte" and the Pig Roast and am now having trouble not thinking of Charlotte's Web. I know the pig's name was Wilbur and you would never eat him but would you, indeed, eat Charlotte? Yes! Get a Big Girl camera! You could do great things with it!

    1. I love the way your mind works, Betty. And hell no, I would never eat Charlotte, spiders are icky.


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"Every time we get comment mail, Rosie wags her tail!" (Seriously, you should see that puffy thing go.)