Saturday, January 31, 2009
Butterfly Award
Friday, January 30, 2009
Sense of Scents
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Liquid Gold
Monday, January 26, 2009
OMG, Please Be Kidding
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Monkey Games
Not that it ever really stayed there that long. None of us could stand being stared at all that time, and so intently! One of my favorite games was to move my hand toward the ball, and watch her front claws activate, curving down into the carpet, as she prepared to launch. Then I'd move my hand away, and the claws would retract. Fun times, for me at least. She didn't seem to enjoy it as much as I did. "Just throw the #@! ball!"
Friday, January 23, 2009
Reflections on Inauguration Day
At the same time, I have to recognize that there is a faction on "my" side that is liable to be just as intolerant as I was complaining about above. I've heard Obama called centrist by those far more informed than I; this gives me some hope that he will temper this wild enthusiasm for every crazy left-wing idea that comes down the pike. I do hope we can civilize national discussions beyond name calling and "nanner nanner, I can't hear you!"
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Alphabet Game!
6. COMPUTERS Well, duh! First of all, computers put food on our table and sent me to college. Now the warm glow of the interwebs keeps me company and answers all my weird questions. Plus, Miss Flartus would never ever get her taxes done if it weren't for PC power. On the other hand, would the government be able to create such a complicated tax code without computers? Hmmm....
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Barack Obama
This is certainly not the most pressing issue facing us, but...I just have to ask: If you truly believe that "...all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness," will you be actively supportive of marriage for all? Because that surely would be the full measure of my happiness.
I supported you...
Bon appétit, President Obama. See you at the office.
Mea culpa maxima: Flartus needs to do her research!! Thanks to Liz's heads-up to the Wockner blog (nice template, btw!), I found a very explicitly detailed list of LGBT issues which President Obama plans to act on. He does not support gay "marriage," but rather fully equal civil unions. Which becomes a matter of semantics--if it's the same thing, why don't we call it the same thing? But I will recognize that that may be a fight for another generation; if Miss Chef and I can enjoy the same rights, I won't quibble about names.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Kitchen Conversation
"Watch out."
"No, not for you!"
"Watch out."
"Watch out."
"Rosie, move."
"Get back. Back."
"Rosie, GET BACK!"
"That's a good girl."
"*$#*%!! No, get back."
"Ok, girl. C'mon."
"Alright, get back. Good girl."
"Well, I don't know if it's gonna be any good, but I guess we'll see."
(water running, steps to garbage can)
"That's ok; you're alright. That's your job!"
"Wow, it looks really good! I hope it tastes ok."
"Hmmm...I wonder what I should have for dinner tonight?"
It didn't taste quite as good as it looked...needed more apples, and probably more salt. But I did catch Miss Chef sneaking a second helping later, so it certainly passed muster!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Quick Thoughts
Friday, January 16, 2009
Dinner For One
However, I do want to take a few pixels to thank my few dedicated readers--Alix, Fred and that ever so Courteous Chihuahua. I'm quite new to this blogging thing, and have been working on finding my "voice" (as I guess writers say), and it's so wonderful to get feedback! It's fun to see what you find interesting, and how it connects with your own interests and experience. And Alix, you give wonderful compliments! I am still whining that I can't get my own family to read this, but I've got perfect strangers checking in every day. Actually, thinking about Alix's latest post...yeah, that seems about right.
I needed to finish up the leftover pesto pasta, so that's what you see sprawled all over the plate. Now, I am a little proud of myself for cleverly putting the leftover BBQ on a biscuit (made by ME over the weekend!) to make a mini BBQ sammich. But as for the presentation, it leaves a lot to be desired.
Please note, however, that I did remember to take my medicine!
Which I am also in the process of doing as I type this. So now I take me off to get fuzzy around the edges, and then find that book and those covers I mentioned earlier. Stay warm, everybody!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Great Babysitter
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Ordinary Folks
Monday, January 12, 2009
Dog Baby
FYI, my posting may be a bit less regular for the next several months. Miss Chef's schedule has changed, so she will now be home THREE nights of the week! Which I am definitely looking forward to, but when it comes to choosing between this blog and Miss Chef...sorry, Miss Chef's gonna win every time. :)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Customer Service
2. I can guarantee they would not have pronounced it in a recognizable way.
3. The announcements were made ridiculously unclearly, and the name was not repeated at the end.
4. Wasn't it damned obvious I was waiting for half a freakin' hour??
I once contacted Harris Teeter about how the baggers obviously needed training, especially with paper bags, and received a phone call from the local store. (Turns out if you go through the corporate website, it's a bigger deal than just contacting the manager.) After a couple of months, I noticed a marked improvement in their service, and went back online to let them know. Lord knows, I don't just want to be a crank!
Note: I find it interesting that googling the phrase "customer service" mostly gets you pictures of smiling women with phone headsets. There's a big hint at the problem, right there--no face-to-face contact. As much the consumer's fault as business'; our demand for cheap products requires vast, centralized organizations. Plus, we can't be bothered to get off our butts and go talk to someone.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Junk Drawer
How to make pesto? Well, Miss Chef never gives me measurements, so the best I can tell you is: in a blender, blend together a small handful of pine nuts with 2 or 3 cloves of garlic, plus salt to taste. Then fill the rest of the blender with lightly-packed basil leaves. (Picking and rinsing the basil is a chore best done in front of the tv or over wine with a friend.) Start the blender, and slowly add olive oil until the blades start to "catch" on the basil. I had to stop the blender a few times to push the basil down.
Yes, this is a very imprecise recipe, here's a more detailed one from
Once you've got it down, pesto is so darn handy: Miss Chef incorporated it into stuffed shells, I mixed it with some leftover ricotta and goat's milk cheeses to make ravioli, I brought a cold pesto pasta salad for an office potluck, and when my mother needed to bring sides to three different parties within a couple of weeks, I gave her her own cup of pesto. I think she got 5 uses out of it. I haven't even gotten around to stuffing it under the skin of a roasted chicken. Mmmmmm.....basil garlic crostini...drool...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Now, it is a wonderful thing to finally have a place to put these random creations that spew occasionally from my brain. But of course, they often look less like genius in the cold light of the computer screen. (It wasn't until I finished this that I looked up the "Hope" poem and realized it's only 3 stanzas long!) As I blunder into my 50th line of verse, Dickinson's lovely, inspiring rhyme scheme seems to devolve into an insipid singsong, but no matter--I bravely offer you the following:
Age, the faceless creature
That sneaks up from behind.
It takes over your body
As it tries to rule your mind.
Where you were strong, you find you're weak,
Where fast, you find you're slow,
And you stop to search your mind to find
The things you used to know.
Your eyes decide they'd rather see
Things not quite so near,
And your worries start to circle 'round
Strange new things that you fear,
Like heart attacks and cancers
Of the colon and the breast.
The doctor reads your numbers
And is really unimpressed.
College students seem like babes
Were news anchors always young?
To watch the entertainment news
Is to hear a different tongue.
Celebrities--they rise so fast to become household names,
You're not sure if you should care or not
When they spiral down in flames.
You start to slow, you fall behind,
You watch the young horde go
To higher hills and further realms
And deep inside you know
You may have passed the highest peak
Of physical finesse;
Gone are the days when you could find
Delight in your undress.
And yet the thing with feathers
Still perches in your soul
Resisting age's blandishments
And worry's timeless toll.
It keeps intact a child's way
Of looking at your days,
Insisting that you stop and see the thousand different ways
That time has brought you wisdom, and a chance to feel the peace
That descends when you stand still enough;
A soft and downy fleece.
It seems that youth is full of wants,
Of need and of desire,
And as we age, this slowing down
Brings meaning to "retire."
For in the French, this selfsame word
Means simply "to withdraw."
To pull back from the crazy push
Of society's great brawl.
Today I know it's not what I have
That makes my days complete.
Instead, I find that what I've done
Gives my heart its fullest beat.
I value more the memories
Of trips I've made afar
Than the art upon my walls or pennies in my jar.
The things I want my niece to know
Are not in numbers bound
But in the quiet sunrise
And the smallest creatures found,
In the satisfied reminders
Of people that you've known;
Connections made, laughs and jokes
Stick deep inside your bones.
I may still find some small regret
In stepping to the side,
But I smile in a knowing way
At youth's loud hue and cry.
Someday, they too may finally learn
There are no points to gain,
But patience and a sense of zen
Make up for all life's pain.
Epilogue: I've just noticed that I've used the word "insidious" to describe both age and Bermuda grass. I'll have to ponder if there are any meaningful conections to be made here.