Sunday, September 2, 2012

Up A Different Creek

Different paddles, different kayak, different creek.

Osprey nest on a cell-phone tower.  Might as well give that ugly thing as many uses as possible.

There's a lot more water out here than I'm used to.  (Brunswick bridge in the faaar background.)

Zoooooom.....all these photos are straight out of camera; I'm too lazy to look for photo editing software on Dad's computer.

Moss Cottage in the Historic District.  (There's also a white heron in the marsh grass to the left.)

Jamie Dimon's yacht isn't nearly as nice as I expected.

Here's a video of not much.  Blogger, why must you shrink my videos so?

Here's a video of something a little...more.  And right outside the back door.


  1. Yay Jekyll! Pretty sure I've actually been on that boat, isn't it one of the dolphin tour ones?

    1. Yup--the Oglethorpe was going out when I paddled in.

  2. Cool!
    Not to worry about blogger shrinking your videos - I always "full screen" them.

    1. I wish you could "middle screen" them. :) The original size is somewhere in between!

  3. Lovely butterfly video :)

  4. Looks like you're having a delightful time! I've been on Jekyll, long, long ago! The osprey are wonderful - they'll find and make a home out of any tall perch.

    Nancy in Iowa

    1. They say once your feet touch the sands of Jekyll, you'll come back.

  5. Nice photos, oh and I've said it eight trillion times, use Live Writer to create and post blogs THROUGH Blogger. It's free and more powerful. Carry on.

    1. Well, go say it to someone else. I've been using Live Writer for many months now, but I was on my folks' computer when I posted this. I can't remember what Live Writer does with my video size, I'll have to go back and look.


Thanks for dropping by--please share your thoughts!

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