After dinner, I had a little couples project in mind! Seems everyone's doing the Newlywed Game quiz--Liz, Alix and the Courteous Chihuahua so far. So I printed out the questionnaire and we filled 'em out and compared notes.
But...that's a story for another day! In other words, it'll probably take me some time to type it all in, so I'll post it tomorrow.
In the meantime, there are some leftover pancakes in the freezer with my name on 'em!
Here's an indication of how unorganized our day was! That pot on the table contains the blueberry plant I gave Miss Chef for Christmas. It was high time we got it in the dirt. In the background, to the left, you can see the bare patch that is our vegetable garden. And, who's that, back there on the right? Why, that's Miss Chef! I had another great picture of her, but she didn't like it, so she'd only let me post this one:
There she is, carefully handweeding the vegetable garden. On the left, between her foot and her hand, you can see a couple of garlic plants coming up. Neither one of us is exactly sure how to grow garlic, but Miss Chef bought some at the farmers' market last fall and used them like onion sets. It seems to be working! Now we just have to figure out how to tell when they're ready...
While she was working on the garden, I cleaned out a flower bed. Most people do this in the fall, clearing all the dead plants and cutting things back for winter. However, we've been having very mild winters here, and I'm not at all used to that. The dianthus never died back, so I just let it hang out. The mint, on the other hand...I tore out as much as I could find, and replanted a tiny six-inch sprout. I'm quite sure we'll still have plenty this summer.
While I was sweeping the patio back into another bed, I found this fragile little cage:
Well, we did get the blueberry planted--after discovering yet another humungous fire-ant mound. My northern friends, you may be wishing for warmer climes, but please, please enjoy your lack of fire ants! We haven't found anything that will get rid of them; the best results we've gotten are when they move into someone else's yard. They're as invasive as Bermuda grass, but they bite! And that's why they're called fire ants--owie, owie, owie!
Anyway, we also tore down an old planter box that was collapsing, and we're going to use the sections to make small raised beds, with a couple of lids to cover them. We'll plant greens in those. I don't have pictures of any of that stuff, because I was busy getting my hands dirty. I do, however, have a picture of the yard superintendant.
That's the remaining planter box behind Rosie; you can see how we're just going to lift each section off the other one and repurpose it onto the ground.
Rosie is so very good; our yard is completely open in the back, and down the driveway, and we can generally leave her off the line to wander around. We can even go inside to get a drink or answer the phone, and trust her to stay put. She loves to just watch the world go by. It's only when a cat or rabbit goes by that we have any issues!
So that concludes our first of many days in the backyard. We chatted with our neighbor over the fence about how hard it is to get motivated to do this kind of thing on your own. Her husband recently started a job requiring him to work weekends, and she's now going through the same frustrations Miss Chef and I have been learning to live with. It's never easy, but it did remind me how lucky we are to have one day off together every week. At least, 'til brunch season...
We ended the day with homemade lasagna and the movie No Reservations. A Miss Chef favorite, of course. They did a lot to make the kitchen realistic; she particularly appreciates the use of the walk-in cooler as a conference/therapy room!
Wow, this really was a wonderful weekend. I'm glad I started this blog; it's a great way to look back and remember the good times!
Hope y'all had wonderful weekends, too!
Tangobaby and Liz have both posted this on their blogs, from the Courage Campaign. It is a response to Ken Starr's filing to defend the constitutionality of Prop 8 in California, effectively seeking to force over 18,000 couples to divorce.
I thought it would be a cute little show, but I ended up with tears running down my face. I can just imagine the frustration, after the elation of getting married, to lose that long-sought blessing so quickly.
"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.
If you're interested, there is an online petition at the Courage Campaign website--the Supreme Court hearings start March 5.
I wish Miss Chef and I could get married. When we realized that we were going to stay together for the rest of our lives, Miss Chef declared she did not want a wedding. I thought it was some political or religious issue, but it turns out, she just doesn't want to have a bunch of people staring at her! She's a bit of a wallflower; that's why she likes hiding out in the kitchen, I guess.
Anyway, she has agreed that if we ever gain the right to even a civil union, she will go to the courthouse to be joined with me--but only if we have the minimum number of witnesses! (My parents' presence may be negotiable.) So now, like a 14 year-old, I can once again dream about my wedding day. Unlike my 14 year-old self, though, I am not dreaming of an elaborate white dress and pink flowers, in front of the priest I used to be an acolyte with. A shabby civic office with a perfect stranger is in my dream; maybe a white dress, maybe not. No stretch limo to run for, as all my friends and family toss birdseed in my hair; just a walk across a parking lot to my five year-old car, with our witnesses riding in the back seat. And instead of a grand entrance into a hotel ballroom, a first dance, and tossing a bouquet--maybe a backyard barbeque with a cooler full of beer and some pitchers of sangria.
Still...in my dream there are butterflies in my stomach, nervous glances with my soon-to-be spouse, probably a fumble with the vows and some giggling. Still..there is the presence of those who love us, the support of those who matter, and the stunning realization that our lives have just changed. There are toasts and jokes and laughter, hugs and tears and life-long memories. We will eat great food and take lots of photos with our friends and family. We might even throw a bouquet. And if we're really lucky, go on a honeymoon...maybe Hawai'i; that would be fantastic.
Someday, someday...believe it or not, I don't usually spend much time thinking about the issue of same-sex marriage, but, when I do, well...it really hurts.
I don't want to turn this blog into a bully pulpit for my politics, but unfortunately, these politics are interfering with my personal life. And that is the subject of this blog.